Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...

I knew that soon as I announced a candidate on "real" MSM channels, people would find something to bitch about. And boy howdy, I hit the nail on the head this time.

For those who've been living under a rock, your new VP has a daughter who seems to find difficulty in keeping her legs closed. Not that there aren't thousands of teenagers a year who get knocked up, but for some reason liberal douchebags have a problem with this.

See, I was all set to get some real action in the Oval Office. Bill did it, so did JFK. And although you haven't heard, W loves the lapdance in that nice leather chair.

But apparently, Democratic voters suddenly have some new morality going on. Like they never knocked socks in Mom's station wagon out at the lake on a chilly Friday evening. I'll bet they never had a beer at 16 or smoked weed either.

God, you liberals are worse than Christians sometimes. I'll bet you try and back out of your "Pay Per View" porn charges on your cable bill just like they do. You really make me physically ill.

Just back off of the little tramp, please? If you've seen her "boyfriend", you know she's screwed enough.

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