Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The week we've had.

So it's been a very bad week for some people lately.

There was the whole hurricaine thing, which wiped Galveston off the map. Again. It sucks for them since a lot of people lost their homes and cows and stuff. It sucks for you because your insurance policies are going to take a hit, which makes it harder to have your car "stolen". And it really sucks for me because nobody is paying attention to Sarah this week.

Before this was even fixed up, then stupid Lehman Brothers goes belly up. The worthless sack of crap running the place was earning about $100 million a year, which is Cindy's whole empire. That makes me feel so poor. As president I think we'll feed him to the crocodiles.

The Saturday Night Live spoof was pretty funny though. Tina Fey rocks my socks. Sarah says she liked it, but you can tell she wants a playground beatdown on all the writers. I keep telling her it comes with the territory, but she's having a hard time letting it go.

Hopefully she won't feed Tina Fey to the crocodiles come January.
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