Monday, September 8, 2008

Getting ready for the big day!

So everyone was all like: "John, you crazy for nominating an unknown woman for a VP pick!", and "This is a cynical ploy to get disenfranchised Hillary voters."

But check the "polls", losers. I'm up over the other guy! And if you were standing behind Sarah, you'd be "up" too (if you know what I mean.)

As much as people think this was a cynical ploy, I'm actually starting to get pretty comfy with the idea of a hottie VP. Yeah, she was hotter before the five kids, but if your coworker is still that smokin' at 44 I'll eat my hat.

And let's be truthful here: all of us in politics are pretty cynical bastards. You don't think the O man is using a little class warfare with his "religion and guns" speech? That was genius! Hell, I'm thinking of giving away MacBooks to people for votes.

Well, people who cast the electoral college votes. Regular proles can pound salt.

Maybe I should make the free computers MacBook Pros. Might as well show people I appreciate the sentiment.

Vote for the "hot redhead" ticket!

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