Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick on a pig!

Talk about stepping into it with both feet... the whole hullaballoo with Obama using the ol' "Lipstick On A Pig" line is hillarity! Yeah, he probably meant it so that people would catch it, all along having a good defense that he didn't mean it, wink wink.

In a way, it's a little deserved. The whole hockey mom/bulldog thing was one of those cliched jokes one of your not-so-clever friends would make and laugh to themselves, while people are dying inside at how not funny it is. I told her not to use it, but she insisted.

Obama almost got Biden's stem cell rant off the front page of CNN's website, too. Maybe he said it on purpose for multiple reasons. I'll have to call him this week and ask. I have to cancel our afternoon of "We Ski" we'd planned anyway, since I couldn't get an extra Wii Fit controller.

Sarah doesn't like video games. But she does enjoy an energetic round of cornhole. I'd have to say that Cindy and I are kind of fond of it too, and were looking for a new couple to play with. I'll let you know who scores the most!

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