Sunday, August 17, 2008

You know how it feels...

I was at an event this weekend stumping for votes, and these punk kids decided to start razzing me about being in the military. Now I can take some hazing as well as the next guy, but these two kids were really starting to get under my skin.

I motioned for one of my Secret Service goons to escort the jerks out, and they start up that "Don't taze me, bro" crap that was popular last year. So instead I had Tony (the head goon) whack one of them in the arm with a tire iron.

The other one piped down pretty quickly after that.

See, this is how I'm going to run our foreign policy come January. If that Chavez guy gets all uppity, we're going to kidnap his little yappy dogs. If he doesn't come around, I'll stick the dogs in a room with a bunch of Mama cats. You don't get between a cat and her kittens.


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