Thursday, August 28, 2008

More DNC goodness...

Yesterday I was watching Fox News as the votes at the DNC were being compiled. Some people were still voting for Hil, but most were going for Barack.

Then in the middle of all the voting, a strange thing happened. A bunch of penguins waddled onto the floor and proclaimed the revolution had begun. People began to scatter in terror as winged cats circled menacingly around the ceiling of the convention hall.

The hosts at MSNBC were summarily executed by Chinese gymnasts, who were being commanded by the iPhone girl. Other press booths were firebombed by Zombie Abbie Hoffman using explosive copies of Steal This Book.

Suddenly, Cindy dropped a pan in the kitchen. I jumped off the couch, and Biden was giving a speech as if nothing had happened. It slowly dawned on me that it was all a dream.

Which sucks, because a Zombie Abbie Hoffman would really be cool searching for Yippie brains.

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