Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm back!

It's been a busy three days in the McCain candidacy. Between the speeches and backroom deals and shaking babies, I'm doing all I can to ensure that my election this November looks as legitimate as possible.

Not that polls mean squat, but today according to Drudge I'm up 5 points. Woohoo! Eat it, naysayers!

So I had some more "potential voters" asking how my life is relevant and makes me Presidential material. It took a little bit of talking, but we found our common ground: banging models.

Yes, the first wife was a model. A swimwear model. Has my opponent scored any hottie models? I think not. I'm really looking forward to "normalizing relations" with Sweden even as I type this. You betcha.

Keep on bringing in those questions, and I'll answer what I can! Just email me at "prezmccain" at "".

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