Friday, September 19, 2008

Rep. Charles Rangel calls Sarah Palin 'disabled'...

You can't make this stuff up. Douchebag Rangel said in an interview my sweet Sarah was 'disabled'.

Now, I'm not going to lower myself to his level and state that he's a moron. I'm not even going to suggest that Charles Rangel enjoys beating his wife while touching himself and thinking of unusual ways to use lightbulbs. And I certainly would never infer that the Democratic US Representative from Harlem is responsible for more dead prostitutes than any other Congressman currently in office.

See, I like to consider myself above the fray, because negative politics is just wrong. hat's the way that John McCain rolls.

Speaking of rolls; I found if you microwave a Cinabon roll for about 45 seconds, it is delicious to an order of magnitude generally unseen on this planet. Really. It makes me nom.
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